J-GLOBAL ID:201402254041425320   Reference number:14A0833146

Establishment of a shortened annual cycle system; a tool for the analysis of annual re-translocation of phosphorus in the deciduous woody plant (Populus alba L.)

短縮年間サイクルシステムの確立 落葉木本植物(Populus alba L.)におけるリンの年間再転流の分析のためのツール
Author (8):
Volume: 127  Issue:Page: 545-551  Publication year: Jul. 2014 
JST Material Number: G0618A  ISSN: 0918-9440  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Germany, Federal Republic of (DEU)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Research methods in botany  ,  Plants for landscaping  ,  Metabolism of substances 
Reference (14):

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