J-GLOBAL ID:201402263585261397   Reference number:14A0272849

Nitrogen Mineralization of Mature Chinese Milk Vetch, and the Effect of Incorporated Mature Chinese Milk Vetch on Nitrogen Uptake and Yield of Rice on a Gley soil

Author (4):
Volume: 83  Issue:Page: 15-24 (J-STAGE)  Publication year: 2014 
JST Material Number: G0811A  ISSN: 0011-1848  CODEN: NISAAJ  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Rice cropping  ,  Soil management  ,  Fertilizer application and efficiency 
Reference (57):
  • 1) Ali, M., Yasue, T. and Oba, S. 1993. Effect of water content and amount of Chinese Milk Vetch (Astragallus sinicus L.) applied as green manure on the yield and yield component of rice. Rep. Tokai Br. Crop Sci. Soc. Japan 115: 13-17.
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  • 3) 安藤豊・安達研・南忠・西田直樹 1988. 水稲生育初期の茎数と土壌アンモニア態窒素の関係. 日作紀 57: 678-684.
  • 4) 浅井辰夫・西川浩二 2003. レンゲを緑肥として用いた持続的水稲栽培の 10 年間の収量変遷. 東海作物研究 134: 17.
  • 5) Cherr, C.M., Scholberg, J.M.S. and McSorley, R. 2006. Green manure approaches to crop production: a synthesis. Agron. J. 98: 302-319.

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