J-GLOBAL ID:201402294947023506   Reference number:14A0181157

コンクリート橋の複合劣化検証+対策 新潟編 タブレット端末を用いた橋梁概略点検システムの構築と小規模自治体での実地試験

Author (1):
Volume: 55  Issue:Page: 88-91  Publication year: Jan. 22, 2014 
JST Material Number: F0026A  ISSN: 0387-0790  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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On J-GLOBAL, this item will be available after more than half a year after the record posted. In addtion, medical articles require to login to MyJ-GLOBAL.

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Failure and maintenance of bridges,and others 
Reference (1):
  • 新潟県土木部道路管理課:新潟県橋梁定期点検要領[簡易点検編]、2010

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