J-GLOBAL ID:201403073762310298


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (5): 小野 新次郎 ,  小林 泰 ,  富田 博行 ,  星野 修 ,  松山 美奈子
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2012260582
Publication number (International publication number):2014105200
Application date: Nov. 29, 2012
Publication date: Jun. 09, 2014
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (5):
C07C 237/06 ,  G21F 9/06 ,  G21C 19/46 ,  B01D 11/04 ,  C07C 231/02
FI (5):
C07C237/06 ,  G21F9/06 581H ,  G21C19/46 M ,  B01D11/04 B ,  C07C231/02
F-Term (16):
4D056AB07 ,  4D056AB10 ,  4D056AC11 ,  4D056AC22 ,  4D056AC27 ,  4D056BA08 ,  4D056CA17 ,  4D056CA27 ,  4D056CA39 ,  4D056DA05 ,  4H006AA01 ,  4H006AA02 ,  4H006AB82 ,  4H006AC53 ,  4H006BU32 ,  4H006BV22
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (4)
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Cited by examiner (4)
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Article cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (2) Cited by examiner (2)

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