J-GLOBAL ID:201410013664333667
Research Resource code:NBDC00107
Update date:Jan. 13, 2022
INOH Pathway Database (Archive): Integrating Network Objects with Hierarchies Pathway Database
INOH Pathway Database (アーカイブ): Integrating Network Objects with Hierarchies Pathway Database
Owning Organization:
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
Resource classification:
Tag (subject) (1):
Tag (data type) (2):
, Interaction/Pathway
Species (4):
Drosophila (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 7215)
, Homo sapiens (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 9606)
, Mus musculus (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 10090)
, Rattus norvegicus (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 10116)
INOH provides information on the molecular pathways in humans, mice, rats and other organisms. This data is collected from literature and the pathway describing terms used are also linked to at least two additional databases, namely SWISS-PROT and gene Ontology (GO). Both these links were tested and found to work well.
The data (new as well as archived) and pathways themselves can be downloaded to personal computers for later use.
Record maintainer:
Integbio Database Catalog
Record license:
Creative Commons CC0 license
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