J-GLOBAL ID:201410035965797352   Research Resource code:NBDC01194 Update date:Jan. 20, 2022

PGDBj: Plant Genome DataBase Japan

PGDBj: Plant Genome DataBase Japan (植物ゲノム統合データベース)
Owning Organization:
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (1): Genome/Gene
Tag (data type)  (5): Bioresource ,  Sequence ,  Bibliography/Documents ,  Classification ,  Portal
Species (2): Viridiplantae (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 33090) ,  Cyanobacteria (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1117)
The PGDBj database is for integrated searches of plant genome-related information (genome analysis, DNA markers, QTLs, Orthologs, etc.) and plant resource information provided in Japan. Basic information is also provided about plants that have been subjected to genome analysis.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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