J-GLOBAL ID:201410046593047493   Research Resource code:NBDC00048 Update date:Nov. 27, 2017

DGRC: Drosophila Genetic Resource Center

DGRC: Drosophila Genetic Resource Center
Owning Organization:
  • Kyoto Institute of Technology Drosophila Genetic Resource Center
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (2): Genome/Gene ,  Organism
Tag (data type)  (2): Bioresource ,  Sequence
Species (1): Drosophila (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 7215)
DGRC is the integrated retrieval system for Drosophila strains collected and maintained by NBRP 'Drosophila'. DGRC provides strain search system to input information such as genotypes, cytolocations, names of a species and phenotypes. This database also supplies chromosome maps that strains are mapped. Requests for Drosophila strains are available by using online contact form.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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