J-GLOBAL ID:201410058152554320
Research Resource code:NBDC00590
Update date:Jun. 17, 2013
Neuraminidase Structure DB
Neuraminidase Structure DB
Owning Organization:
Resource classification:
Tag (subject) (2):
, Health/Disease
Tag (data type) (1):
3D structure
Species (2):
Influenza A virus (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 11320)
, Influenza B virus (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 11520)
Neuraminidase Structure DB is a database of the predicted three-dimensional structures of neuraminidase which is a target protein for the development of anti-influenza drugs. This database contains information on predicted three-dimensional structures of neuraminidase, which are predicted with homology modeling method of Full Automatic Modeling System (FAM; a system developed by Dr. Umeyama, Senior Visiting Scientist at RIKEN/Professor at Kitasato University). Neuraminidases are classified into 9 subtypes (N1 to N9). The database provides 1603 three-dimensional models of all subtypes of the protein.
Record maintainer:
Integbio Database Catalog
Record license:
Creative Commons CC0 license
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