J-GLOBAL ID:201410081049756243   Research Resource code:NBDC00843 Update date:Jun. 17, 2013

YMP: Yeast Mitochondrial Proteome 2-D database

YMP: Yeast Mitochondrial Proteome 2-D database
Owning Organization:
  • University of Oulu
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (2): Protein ,  Cell/Organelle
Tag (data type)  (1): Image/Movie
Species (1): Saccharomyces cerevisiae (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 4932)
YMP is a database of yeast mitochondria proteins. The database contains information on proteins determined and confirmed using several different proteomic methods, as well as experimental datasets following environmental manipulation. Several 2D-PAGE experiments are represented.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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