J-GLOBAL ID:201501012688439667
Update date: Nov. 05, 2024
Yasuyuki Matsushita
マツシタ ヤスユキ | Yasuyuki Matsushita
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (1):
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Guest Researcher
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (1):
Perceptual information processing
Research keywords (1):
Computer Vision
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 2023 - 2028 Photogrammetry through co-design of data-driven 3D estimation and imaging systems
- 2019 - 2024 Research on Appearance and 3D imaging
- 2018 - 2023 Joint Design of Encoding and Decoding Methods for Plenoptic imaging
- 2017 - 2020 Photo-realistic Image-based Modeling and Rendering in the Wild
- 2016 - 2019 High-fidelity Photometric 3D Imaging and its Applications
- 2014 - 2017 Extraction of Geometric and Photometric information from 8-D Light Transport
- 2015 - 2016 High-fidelity 3D reconstruction by photometric stereo under non-uniform light intensities
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Papers (226):
Kohei Ashida, Hiroaki Santo, Fumio Okura, Yasuyuki Matsushita. Resolving Scale Ambiguity in Multi-view 3D Reconstruction Using Dual-Pixel Sensors. 2025
Siwei Zhou, Youngha Chang, Nobuhiko Mukai, Hiroaki Santo, Fumio Okura, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Shuang Zhao. Path-Space Differentiable Rendering of Implicit Surfaces. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Papers. 2024
Qingwen Chen, Takeshi Yamada, Asako Murata, Ayako Sugai, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Kazuhiko Nakatani. A machine learning approach toward generating the focused molecule library targeting CAG repeat DNA. Digital Discovery. 2024. 3. 2. 243-248
Kensuke Uchida, Hajime Nagahara, Yasuyuki Matsushita. A Compact BRDF Scanner with Multi-conjugate Optics. Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Photography. 2023. 1-11
Lilika Makabe, Heng Guo 0003, Hiroaki Santo, Fumio Okura, Yasuyuki Matsushita. Near-light Photometric Stereo with Symmetric Lights. Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Photography. 2023. 1-12
MISC (46):
Jinshan Pan, Deqing Sun, Jian Yang 0003, Wangmeng Zuo, Paolo Favaro, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Ming-Hsuan Yang 0001. Editorial for CVIU_DL for image restoration. Comput. Vis. Image Underst. 2021. 208-209. 103222-103222
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Ryusuke Sagawa, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Ryo Furukawa, Daisuke Miyazaki. Active Lighting and Its Application for Computer Vision - 40 Years of History of Active Lighting Techniques. Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020. 1-303
中澤 篤志, 山崎 俊彦, 松下 康之, 安倍 満, 舩冨 卓哉, 木村 昭悟, 内田 誠一, 前田 栄作. PRMU応用研究におけるオープンアイデア : PRMU第二期グランドチャレンジ (パターン認識・メディア理解). 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報. 2017. 117. 362. 41-43
Scale Estimation for Structure from Motion by Indoor Localization using Wi-Fi Channel State Information. 2017. 2017. 39. 35-40
Server Anomaly Detection by Sparse Structure Learning. 2017. 117. 55. 69-76
Books (1):
Active lighting and its application for computer vision : 40 years of history of active lighting techniques
Springer 2020 ISBN:9783030565763
Education (3):
- 2000 - 2003 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering Information and Communication Engineering
- 1998 - 2000 The University of Tokyo School of Engineering Information and Communication Engineering
- 1994 - 1998 The University of Tokyo School of Engineering Information and Communication Engineering
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (2):
- 2015/04 - 現在 Osaka University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Professor
- 2003/04 - 2015/03 Microsoft Research Asia Visual Computing Group Senior Researcher
Committee career (8):
- 2019/11 - 現在 International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) Editor-in-Chief
- 2017/10 - 現在 IEEE/CVF Conference on International Conference of Computer Vision 2021 General Chair
- 2009/01 - 2019/11 International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) Associate Editor
- 2011/10 - 2018/02 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) Associate Editor
- 2010/07 - 2018/01 The Visual Computer Journal Associate Editor
- 2016/10 - 2017/10 IEEE/CVF Conference on International Conference of Computer Vision 2017 Program Chair
- 2013/11 - 2014/11 Asian Conference of Computer Vision (ACCV) 2014 General Chair
- 2011/11 - 2012/11 Asian Conference of Computer Vision (ACCV) 2012 Program Chair
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Awards (1):
- 2022/11 - Osaka Science Prize
Association Membership(s) (2):
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