J-GLOBAL ID:201501012865582751
Update date: Apr. 21, 2020
Sato Yuki
サトウ ユウキ | Sato Yuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (1):
Money and finance
Research keywords (4):
, financial economics
, economic theory
, economics
Papers (4):
Yuki Sato. Delegated portfolio management, optimal fee contracts, and asset prices. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY. 2016. 165. 360-389
Yuki Sato. Fund Tournaments and Asset Bubbles. REVIEW OF FINANCE. 2016. 20. 4. 1383-1426
Yuki Sato. Innovation, Delegation, and Asset Price Swings. Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series. 2015
Yuki Sato. Opacity in Financial Markets. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES. 2014. 27. 12. 3502-3546
Books (1):
Kin-yuu-shijou ni okeru futoumeisei
Keio University Press 2015
Professional career (1):
- PhD in Economics (London School of Economics)
Work history (1):
- 2011/09 - 現在 University of Lausanne and Swiss Finance Institute Department of Finance Assistant Professor
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