Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2024 - 2027 非線形DSGEモデルによる日本の非伝統的金融政策の効果の定量的計測
2019 - 2024 Estimating nonlinear behavioral macroeconomic models with the zero lower bound of nominal interest rates
2021 - 2024 An Application of Macroeconomic Heterogenous Agent Model to Monetary and Fiscal Policies and Social Security Systems in Japan
2018 - 2021 Numerical Simulation and Empirical Study of Term Structure model by nonlinear DSGE model under ZLB
2015 - 2018 Developing new methods for improving prediction performance of both macro time series and effects of monetary and fiscal policies by combining multiple DSGE models
2012 - 2015 Developing DSGE macromodel with balance sheet conditions and zero lower band on nominal interest rates
2012 - 2015 データリッチ型ニューケインジアンモデルの開発と金融財政政策への応用
2009 - 2014 Research on the financial risk management of a portfolio including alternative investments
2009 - 2011 Empirical study of Monetary Policy and Simulation of Optimal Policy in Japan Using Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
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Papers (28):
YASUO HIROSE, HIROKUNI IIBOSHI, MOTOTSUGU SHINTANI, KOZO UEDA. Estimating a Behavioral New Keynesian Model with the Zero Lower Bound. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 2024. 56. 8. 2185-2197
Yasuharu Iwata, Hirokuni IIboshi. The Nexus between Public Debt and the Government Spending Multiplier: Fiscal Adjustments Matter*. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2023. 85. 4. 830-858
Hirokuni Iiboshi, Mototsugu Shintani, Kozo Ueda. Estimating a Nonlinear New Keynesian Model with the Zero Lower Bound for Japan. JOURNAL OF MONEY CREDIT AND BANKING. 2022. 54. 6. 1637-1671
Hirokuni Iiboshi, Daisuke Ozaki. The Impact of the Social Security Reforms on Welfare: Who benefits and Who loses across Generations, Gender, and Employment Type?. 2022
Dana McQuestin, Joseph Drew, Hirokuni Iiboshi. The temporal dependence of public policy evaluation: the case of local government amalgamation. Local Government Studies. 2022. 1-22
Hirokuni Iiboshi. Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy: A DSGE-DFM Approach. 内閣府 経済社会総合研究所 Discussion Paper Series No.292. 2012
飯星 博邦. Regime Shifts in a Dynamic Term Structure Model of Japanese Government Bond Yields. 日本ファイナンス学会第18回大会予稿集. 2010. 250-259
飯星 博邦, 渡部 敏明. 景気循環を語る(第14回)日本における景気循環の構造変化--複数の構造変化点を付加したマルコフ・スイッチングモデルのベイズ推定. 日経研月報 = The Japan Economic Research Institute monthly report. 2006. 331. 26-35
Books (2):
東京大学出版会 2011 ISBN:413040251X
東京大学出版会 2007 ISBN:4130402331
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
Estimating a Medium-scale New Keynesian Model under the Zero Lower Bound for Japan
Education (4):
2002 - 2003 Osaka University
2000 - 2002 大阪大学大学院 経済学研究科 博士前期課程
1998 - 1999 英国 Warwick 大学大学院 Graduate School of Economics
1983 - 1987 Waseda University
Work history (7):
2022/04 - 現在 Nihon University College of Economics