Junichi Hirose. How do question-answer exchanges among generations matter for children’s happiness?. PLOS ONE. 2024. 19. 6. e0303523-e0303523
Junichi Hirose, Koji Kotani, Shunsuke Managi. Do autonomy and inquisitiveness contribute to SDGs? Implications from the matrilineal island of Palau. Economic Analysis and Policy. 2023. 79. 303318-318
Junichi Hirose. Exploring pathways to sustainable development: Empirical analyses of wellbeing and cooperative behaviors for current and future generations. 2023
Junichi Hirose, Koji Kotani. How does inquisitiveness matter for generativity and happiness?. PLOS ONE. 2022. 17. 2. e0264222-e0264222
Junichi Hirose, Koji Kotani, Yoshinori Nakagawa. Is Climate Change Induced by Humans? The Impact of the Gap in Perceptions on Cooperation. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. 2021. 5. 3. 391-413
Junichi Hirose, Koji Kotani, Shunsuke Managi. How do autonomy and inquisitiveness play roles in sustainable development? Implications from matrilineal Island Palau. Social design engineering series, Institute of Future design of KUT. 2023. 20231
Junichi Hirose, Koji kotani, Yoshinori Nakagawa. Human-induced or nature-induced climate change? Impact of the perception gap on the cooperation. KUT-SDES working papers. 2019
Semi-automation of feedback process with Power Automate about peer evaluations of group presentations
(Academic eXchange for Information Environment and Strategy (AXIES) 2022)