J-GLOBAL ID:201501026800366679
Update date: Nov. 24, 2022
ナカムラ ケイスケ | NAKAMURA Keisuke
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Business administration
, Economic policy
, Economic policy
Research keywords (1):
Industrial Relations, Personnel Administration, Trade Unions
Papers (123):
Nakamura Keisuke. Organizing Workers. UA Zensen Compass. 2020. 40-46
Takahashi Yoko, Nakamura Keisuke. Designing the Future of Firms in Regional Areas - Internal Relationship and Procurement from External. 東大社研・中村尚文・玄田有史『危機対応学 地域の危機・釜石の対応 多層化する構造』. 2020. 121-154
Nakamura Keisuke. Elucidating the Social Science of Ishida Mitsuo. Institutional Analysis of Employment Relations - Qualitative Study on Workshop, edited by Higuchi Junpei and Nishimura Jun. 2020. 3-19
Nakamura Keisuke. The Reform of Industrial Relations Theory - Through Scrutinizing the Trilogy of Automobile Factories Study. Institutional Analysis of Employment Relations - Qualitative Study of Workshop, edited by Higuchi Junpei and Nishimura Jun. 2020. 20-40
Nakamura Keisuke. Manpower Planning of White Collar Workers. 中央労働時報. 2019. 1250. 12-15
MISC (68):
Nakamura Keisuke. 書評;飯島和紀『労働組合職場組織の交渉力-私鉄中国広電支部を事例として』. Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research. 2017. 699. 69-74
これからの人事管理・・課題と観点. 宮城町村会だよりVol.458. 2014. 4-9
あるべき姿. 日本労働研究雑誌No.637. 2013. 1
困難は克服できる. 福井新聞(2012年3月31日). 2012
ひるまず結果恐れず. 福井新聞(2012年3月24日). 2012
Books (76):
Regional unions transforming communities
Institute of Labor Education and Culture 2021 ISBN:9784845116881
The Research Report on Functions and Roles of Industry-wide Federations of Trade Unions
Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards 2020
A Possibility of Building Solidarity-based Society
Break Walls: Organizing non regular workers revised version
Institute of Labor Education and Culture 2018 ISBN:9784845115518
A Preliminary Study on Industrial Relations at West Japan Railway Company
Education (3):
- - 1985 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1985 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Economics
- 1972 - 1976 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Economics
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (6):
Awards (5):
- 2004/01/01 - Japan Association for Social Studies 社会政策学会賞奨励賞 行政サービスの決定と自治体労使関係
- 1996/01/01 - Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training 日本労働関係図書優秀賞 日本の職場と生産システム
- 1990/09/01 - NIPPON OMNI-MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 経営科学文献賞 Software Industry in Japan: Management and Engineers
- 1990/07/01 - The Telecommunication Advancement Foundation 電気通信普及財団賞 Software Industry in Japan: Management and Engineers
- 1988/01/01 - 労働問題リサーチセンター 沖永賞 Are Trade Unions Really Useful?
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 社会政策学会
, 日本労使関係研究会議
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