Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2017 - 2020 成熟型延髄呼吸中枢におけるノシセプチンの役割と責任部位の解明
2001 - 2002 the The Involvement of Respiration-Related Neurones in the Medullary Respiratory Rhythm Generation Center in the Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression
1999 - 2000 オピオイドの呼吸抑制作用に対する延髄における責任部位の同定
Papers (49):
Yosuke UCHIDA, Toshikazu HASHIMOTO, Hitoshi SAITO, Koichi TAKITA, Yuji MORIMOTO. Neonatal isoflurane exposure disturbs granule cell migration in the rat dentate gyrus. Biomedical Research. 2022. 43. 1. 1-9
Koji Hoshino, Koichi Takita, Masami Demura, Tomonori Kubo, Yuji Morimoto. Systolic Anterior Motion of the Mitral Valve During Pulmonary Endarterectomy in a Patient with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia. 2018. 32. 2. 807-810
Mizunoya K, Ueda K, Takeda Y, Takita K, Morimoto Y. Left subclavian artery malperfusion due to thoracic outlet syndrome during total vertebrectomy for invasive lung cancer: a case report. JA Clinical Report. 2017. 3. 1. 61-61