Maya Suzuki. Socio-spatially Segregated Experience of Urban Dalits and their Anti-caste Imagination: A Study of the Balmiki Community in Delhi, India. CASTE / A Global Journal on Social Exclusion. 2023. 4. 2. 196-212
Suzuki Maya. “Exclusivity rather than Inclusion: Dalit Assertion in Contemporary Urban India”. Senri Ethnological Studies (Structural Transformation in Globalizing South Asia). 2017. 96. 109-124
Suzuki Maya. Indian Government Strategy against Caste Inequality: ‘Liberating’ Untouchables in the Context of Welfare Schemes. Journal of Political Science and Sociology (Global Center of Excellence Center of Governance for Civil Society, Keio University). 2010. 21. 65-83
Toshie Awaya, Tsutomu Tomotsune and Maya Suzuki (eds.). Examining Stigmatization of Leather Industry: By Focusing on the Labor Forms of Dalits and Buraku (FINDAS International Conference Series 4). 2020
Toshie Awaya and Maya Suzuki (eds.). Nandita Das Special Lecture “Personal Life is Political: Women’s Issues in Contemporary India” ((FINDAS Research Paper Series 9). 2020
"Securing Livelihood Entitlements and Space: A Case Study of Balmikis in Delhi," in Survival Strategies of Minorities in South Asia: From Inclusion and Exclusion toward Cohabitation (日本学術振興会科学研究費基盤(C)「南アジアにおけるマイノリティの生存戦略--包摂と排除から共棲へ」報告書(18K11826)) by ed. Takako Inoue
“Manifestation of Dalit Rights, Justice and Dalit-ness in the Post-Mandal Era, ” in Minoru Mio, Kazuya Nakamizo, Tatsuro Fujikura (eds.), The Dynamics of Conflict and Peace in Contemporary South Asia: The State, Democracy and Social Movements (Routledge New Horizons in South Asian Studies)
Routledge 2020
Global and Local Practice of the Contemporary Dalit Movements: Making sense of “Coming out” of Highly Educated Dalit Youth
(International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 13) 2024)
Convener and Discussant, FY2023 International conference “Asian People and Empowerment in the Precarious Time,” hosted by the Graduate School of Asian Area Studies of Daito Bunka University and co-hosted by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP20K20059, represented by Maya Suzuki) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP20K13707, represented by Mijin Kim), on 20th of January 2024.
(FY2023 International conference “Asian People and Empowerment in the Precarious Time,” hosted by the Graduate School of Asian Area Studies of Daito Bunka University and co-hosted by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP20K20059, represented by Maya Suzuki) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP20K13707, represented by Mijin Kim))
Discussant, The 13th INDAS-South Asia International Conference, “Populism, Diversity, and ‘Enemies of the People’: Politics and Society in South Asia in the Twenty-First Century,
(The 13th INDAS-South Asia International Conference 2021)