Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
2021 - 2024 Hunting physics beyond General Relativity with gravitational waves
2019 - 2022 Probing Modified Gravity and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields by Gravitational Waves
2017 - 2022 Gravitational wave physics and astronomy: Genesis
2017 - 2022 New developments of gravity theory research in gravitational wave physics / astronomy
2017 - 2022 Gravity and cosmology beyond general relativity
2018 - 2021 Black Holes and Cosmology in Holographic Duality and Gravitational Waves
2012 - 2017 Cosmology based on quantum gravity theories
2009 - 2015 research on cosmological nonlinear and non-perturbative gravitational phenomena
2009 - 2014 Quest for the ultimate theory on the basis of direct observations of the early evolution of the universe
2009 - 2011 Model for inflation based on higher-dimensional gauge theory
2008 - 2011 String Cosmology
2007 - 2011 Superstring Theory and Creation of Universe
2007 - 2010 Precision cosmology beyond the cosmic variance
2005 - 2007 高次元理論における初期宇宙論
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Papers (267):
Kei-ichiro Kubota, Shun Arai, Hayato Motohashi, Shinji Mukohyama. Spin wave optics for gravitational waves lensed by a Kerr black hole. Physical Review D. 2024. 110. 12
Naritaka Oshita, Kazufumi Takahashi, Shinji Mukohyama. Stability and instability of the black hole greybody factors and ringdowns against a small-bump correction. Physical Review D. 2024. 110. 8
Chams Gharib Ali Barura, Hajime Kobayashi, Shinji Mukohyama, Naritaka Oshita, Kazufumi Takahashi, Vicharit Yingcharoenrat. Tidal Love numbers from EFT of black hole perturbations with timelike scalar profile. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2024. 2024. 09. 001-001
Shinji Mukohyama, Shinji Tsujikawa, Anzhong Wang. Revisiting linear stability of black hole odd-parity perturbations in Einstein-Aether gravity. Physical Review D. 2024. 110. 4
Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, Shinji Tsujikawa, Anzhong Wang, Chao Zhang. Even- and odd-parity stabilities of black holes in Einstein-Aether gravity. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2024. 2024. 08. 056-056