J-GLOBAL ID:201501091985866890
Update date: Aug. 25, 2022
エイ プイン チャン | PWINT AYE CHAN
Affiliation and department:
Research keywords (3):
, ミャンマーの社会経済と貧困削減
, インドシナ地域の経済開発と人間開発
MISC (8):
A Study on Socioeconomic Condition of Rural Delta Region in Southeast Asia : The Case of Tamawwa Village, Irrawaddy District in Myanmar. 2014. 19. 2. 55-86
Contemplating the Causes of Urban Poverty Problem in Myanmar. 2013. 19. 1. 71-97
AYE Chan Pwint. A Situation Analysis Approach to Poverty Reduction in Southeast Asian Countries -The Case of Indochina region. Journal of economics, Kumamoto-Gakuen University. 2013. 19. 3. 139-167
AYE CHAN PWINT. Examining the So-called Poverty Related Social and Economic Polices of Myanmar. The Kumamoto Gakuen University journal of liberal arts and sciences. 2012. 18. 2. 1-57
AYE Chan Pwint. Poverty Mechanism in Rural Areas of Myanmar. The Study of social relations. 2011. 17. 1. 1-52
Books (1):
晃洋書房 2014 ISBN:477102572X
Professional career (1):
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