Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2015 - 2019 Dynamic Analysis of Economic Growth and Labor Market Policies
2013 - 2016 he Effects of Partial Labor Reforms on the Macroeconomic Outcomes
2011 - 2012 Optima Monetary Policy Rules: A New Keynesian Model With Labor MarketFrictions and Worker Heterogeneity
Papers (4):
Uch Raksmey, Ching-Yang Lin, Makoto Kakinaka. Macroprudential regulation and financial inclusion: Any difference between developed and developing countries?. Research in International Business and Finance. 2022. 63. 101759-101759
Andy Ali Mustafa, Ching-Yang Lin, Makoto Kakinaka. Detecting market pattern changes: A machine learning approach. Finance Research Letters. 2022. 47. 102621-102621