J-GLOBAL ID:201510004654889330
Research Resource code:NBDC01520
Update date:Feb. 16, 2017
SDBS: Spectral Database for Organic Compounds
SDBS: 有機化合物のスペクトルデータベース
Owning Organization:
Resource classification:
Tag (subject) (1):
Chemical compound
Tag (data type) (1):
Chemical structure
The SDBS database consists of of sensory characteristics of vision, hearing, and touch measured by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. To allow searches for conditions such as age and types of disability, target people with disabilities and/or older people, totaling more than 3,000, were subjected to measurement. Their characteristics data were adopted as Japanese Industrial Standards (JISs) "Guidelines for older persons and persons with disabilities".
Record maintainer:
Integbio Database Catalog
Record license:
Creative Commons CC0 license
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