J-GLOBAL ID:201510016785196192
Research Resource code:NBDC01530
Update date:Jan. 20, 2022
NikkajiWeb: Japan Chemical Substance Dictionary Web
日化辞Web: 日本化学物質辞書Web
Owning Organization:
Resource classification:
Tag (subject) (1):
Chemical compound
Tag (data type) (1):
Chemical structure
NikkajiWeb is a search service of the "Japan Chemical Substance Dictionary (Nikkaji)", an organic compound dictionary database prepared by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). It contains information about organic compounds and their mixtures such as Japanese name, English name, law regulation number, CAS registry number, chemical structure information, etc. This database allows searches with "Advanced Textual Search" or "Chemical Structure Search".
Record maintainer:
Integbio Database Catalog
Record license:
Creative Commons CC0 license
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