- 2023/09 - 現在 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Executive Director
- 2021/11 - 現在 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of General Affairs
- 2001/06 - 現在 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 園芸施設安全構造診断委員会
- 1999/08 - 現在 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of Editorial Board
- 2021/09 - 2023/09 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Auditor
- 2018/06 - 2022/06 Japan Association for Wind Engineering Editorial Committee
- 2021/06 - 2022/03 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries ため池における水上太陽光発電施設等の設置に関する技術検討委員会
- 2017/09 - 2021/09 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of Treasury
- 2019/08 - 2020/04 New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization 営農型太陽光発電設備ガイドライン策定委員
- 2018/08 - 2019/03 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 園芸用施設設計構造規格(仮称)策定委員会
- 2013/08 - 2017/09 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of Treasury
- 2013/08 - 2017/09 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of General Affairs
- 2016/11 - 2017/03 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 平成28年度農業用温室設置コスト低減推進事業温室設計指針検討専門委員会
- 2015/07 - 2016/07 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 園芸用施設安全構造基準改訂委員会
- 2012/04 - 2016/04 Japan Association for Wind Engineering Steering Committee
- 2015/09 - 2016/03 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 平成27年度次世代施設園芸導入加速化支援事業(全国推進事業)標準化検討専門委員会大規模施設園芸事例集作成作業部会
- 2015/09 - 2016/03 Tochigi Prefecture 災害に強い施設園芸産地づくり防災プログラム策定検討委員会
- 2014/05 - 2015/03 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 次世代施設園芸導入加速化支援事業(全国推進事業)施設・設備標準化検討専門委員会雪害対策指針作成作業部会
- 2011/08 - 2013/08 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of General Affairs
- 2013/01 - 2013/05 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Election Administration Commission
- 2009/09 - 2011/08 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan 40周年記念出版委員会
- 2009/09 - 2011/08 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of Strategic Planning
- 2007/09 - 2011/08 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of General Affairs
- 2009/09 - 2010/09 National Personnel Authority 平成22年度国家公務員採用II種試験(農業土木)試験専門委員
- 2009/04 - 2009/11 International Society for Horticultural Science 6th Intl. Symosium on Light in Horticulture Organizing Committee
- 2008/09 - 2009/09 National Personnel Authority 平成21年度国家公務員採用II種試験(農業土木)試験専門委員
- 2008/09 - 2009/04 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 園芸用施設安全構造基準改訂委員会
- 2005/09 - 2007/09 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of General Affairs
- 2005/06 - 2006/03 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 園芸施設コスト低減推進委員会
- 2003/08 - 2005/09 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of Meetings Forward Planning, Secretary
- 2001/04 - 2005/03 Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association 園芸施設設置運営コスト低減委員会
- 1999/04 - 2002/05 The Japanese Geotechnical Society Committee of Public Relations
- 1999/12 - 2001/03 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of Professional Engineering
- 1998/05 - 2001/03 The XIV Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000 Local Organizing Committee
- 1998/08 - 2000/04 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of web site
- 1997/08 - 1999/08 The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan Committee of Strategic Planning