J-GLOBAL ID:201601004130908585   Update date: Sep. 05, 2023

Nakano Yuka

ナカノ ユウカ | Nakano Yuka
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Senior Researcher
Homepage URL  (2): http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/nivfs/index.htmlhttp://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/english/nivfs/index.html
Research field  (1): Horticulture
Research keywords  (3): field vegetable ,  protected cultivation ,  Plant phyisiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2018 - 2021 高温環境等を克服して日本品質を周年安定生産
Papers (38):
  • Shintaro Noda, Yasunari Miyake, Yuka Nakano, Masayuki Kogoshi, Wataru Iijima, Junichi Nakagawa. A Mobile Laboratory Robot for Various and Precise Measurements of Crops and Soil in Agricultural Fields: Development and Pilot Study. Agriculture. 2023. 13. 7. 1419-1419
  • Yuka Nakano, Shintaro Noda, Yasunari Miyake, Masayuki Kogoshi, Fumio Sato, Wataru Iijima. Applicability of Variable-Rate Nitrogen Top Dressing Based on Measurement of the Within-Field Variability of Soil Nutrients for Cabbage Production. Horticulturae. 2023. 9. 4. 506-506
  • KOGOSHI Masayuki, NAKANO Yuka, MIYAKE Yasunari, NODA Shintaro, IIJIMA Wataru. A method for estimating total carbon content of soil surface from visible images taken by drones and soil water content. Journal of the NARO Research and Development. 2023. 2023. 13. 63-69
  • Unseok Lee, Md Parvez Islam, Nobuo Kochi, Kenichi Tokuda, Yuka Nakano, Hiroki Naito, Yasushi Kawasaki, Tomohiko Ota, Tomomi Sugiyama, Dong-Hyuk Ahn. An Automated, Clip-Type, Small Internet of Things Camera-Based Tomato Flower and Fruit Monitoring and Harvest Prediction System. Sensors. 2022. 22. 7. 2456-2456
  • Md. Parvez Islam, Yuka Nakano, Unseok Lee, Keinichi Tokuda, Nobuo Kochi. TheLNet270v1-A Novel Deep-Network Architecture for the Automatic Classification of Thermal Images for Greenhouse Plants. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 2021. 12
MISC (211):
  • 中野有加, 野田晋太朗, 小越将行, 三宅康也, 佐藤文生, 飯嶋渡. Intra-field variation of fertilizer concentration and its effect on cabbage growth in an andisol field. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2022. 21. 1
  • 早川文代, 中野優子, 風見由香利, 中野有加, 趙鉄軍, 蔦瑞樹, 池羽田晶文. ミニトマトの分析型官能評価法の開発とリモート評価への適用. 日本食品科学工学会大会講演集. 2021. 68th
  • 山浦寛子, 高野暢雄, 菅野圭一, 本澤友貴, 松尾誠治, 渡邊ゆきえ, 安東隆, 池田憲亮, 中野有加, 礒崎真英, et al. 遮熱フィルム資材が夏秋トマトの乾物生産と収量に与える影響の評価The evaluation of effects on tomato dry matter production and fruits yield in summer season by the thermal film. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2020. 19. 1
  • 杉山智美, 中野有加, 牛島弘貴, 横川武弘, 岩崎泰永. Effects of grafting onto interspecific rootstocks on tomato yield in autumn. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2020. 19. 1
  • 杉山智美, 中野有加, 牛島弘貴, 横川武弘, 岩崎泰永. トマトの夏秋作における強勢台木の使用が生育および収量に及ぼす影響. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2019. 18. 1
Patents (1):
Professional career (1):
  • Dr (Nagoya University)
Awards (2):
  • 2019/03 - 根研究学会 学術論文賞 トマトの根域加温はマグネシウムの吸収を促進することにより葉の黄化を抑制する
  • 2011/03 - 園芸学会 年間優秀論文賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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