J-GLOBAL ID:201601007925497787   Update date: Jan. 06, 2023

Kubota Akito

クボタ アキト | Kubota Akito
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/tarc/introduction/chart/0401/index.html
Research field  (1): Plant genetics and breeding
Research keywords  (5): オギススキ ,  snow endurance ,  festulolium ,  Italian ryegrass ,  forage crop breeding
Papers (22):
  • Ken-ichi Tamura, Takako Kiyoshi, Akito Kubota, Akira Arakawa, Masahiro Fujimori, Jun-ichi Yonemaru. Genetic relationship and diversity of cultivars and breeding lines of tetraploid Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and its hybrids with Lolium - Festuca complex based on genome-wide allele frequency. Grassland Science. 2022
  • K. TAMURA, Y. SANADA, K. TASE, Y. AKIYAMA, A. KUBOTA. Quantitative trait loci for winter hardiness and other agronomic traits in the progeny of two amphiploid Festulolium hybrids (Festuca pratensis * Lolium perenne) backcrossed twice to tetraploid Lolium perenne. Biologia plantarum. 2020. 64. 439-446
  • Kubota, Akito, Akiyama, Yukio, Fujimori, Masahiro. The Relationship between f Ratio and Seed Yield-Related Traits in Festulolium. CROP SCIENCE. 2019. 59. 5. 1992-1996
  • Akiyama Yukio, Kubota Akito, Fujimori Masahiro, Sanada Yasuharu. Development of a New Evaluation Method for Individual Selection in Grass Breeding with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Image Analysis. Japanese Journal of Grassland Science. 2019. 65. 1. 8-14
  • Akito Kubota, Yukio Akiyama, Masahiro Fujimori, Ken-Ichi Tamura, Tohru Sasaki, Eri Kasa. Simple DNA marker-assisted selection of endophyte ( Epichloë uncinata )-infected festulolium. Grassland Science. 2018. 65. 1. 32-40
MISC (29):
  • 田村健一, 清多佳子, 久保田明人, 荒川明, 藤森雅博, 米丸淳一. Genomic profiling of tetraploid Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) cultivars and breeding materials based on genome-wide allele frequency. 日本草地学会誌. 2021. 67
  • 藤森雅博, 清多佳子, 内山和宏, 久保田明人. The performance test of new perennial lines of ryegrass in Morioka. 日本草地学会誌. 2021. 67
  • 秋山征夫, 眞田康治, 藤原崚, 黄川田智洋, 佐藤尚, 三ツ橋昇平, 上床修弘, 佐藤広子, 藤瀬万里絵, 寺戸貴裕, et al. ドローン空撮画像と画像解析から得たrG植生指標による育種の効率・客観化. 農研機構北海道農業研究センター成果情報(Web). 2020. 2020
  • 菅原幸哉, 久保田明人, 清多佳子. Artificial inoculation trial of a fungal grass endophyte into Festulolium seedlings. 日本草地学会誌. 2020. 66
  • "Natsugoshi pere", a new perennial ryegrass cultivar with superior summer stress tolerance. 2019. 121. 11-26
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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