J-GLOBAL ID:201601009118982380   Update date: Jul. 05, 2024

Yoshida Eirei

ヨシダ エイレイ | Yoshida Eirei
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Homepage URL  (1): https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/60507135.ja.html
Research field  (4): Religious studies ,  Foreign language education ,  Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist ,  Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords  (8): Chinese language ,  Chinese culture ,  華厳経 ,  Zen Buddhism ,  Chinese Buddhism ,  huayan buddhism ,  東アジア仏教 ,  未翻刻文献
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2013 - 2016 Basic research of East Asian Buddhism based on newly found materials
  • 2001 - 2003 The Discourse on the Awakening of Faith and the demonstrative Studies of FaTaang's Doctrine
Papers (26):
  • 吉田 叡禮. 禅における社会との関わりの理念-The ideal of interacting with society in Rinzai Zen-仏教における実践を問う(1)社会的実践の理念. 日本仏教学会年報 = The journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Association. 2014. 80. 1-10
  • Eirei Yoshida. The Single Vehicle Doctrine of Kegon and the Single Vehicle Doctrine of Hokke -The Placement of the Lotus Sūtra in Kegon Studies. Papers from the Great Buddha Symposium. 2009. 7. 24-32
  • YOSHIDA Takeshi. 宋代华严复兴事迹. lingshanhaihui. 2009. 34
  • YOSHIDA, Eirei. On the svayambhujnana of Heze Shenhui (荷澤神會). 2009. 87. 111-124
  • YOSHIDA Eirei. Buddhism in the Liao Dynasty and its Surroundings. Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies. 2008. 17. 238-245
MISC (10):
  • YOSHIDA Eirei. Visit Minamata. 2013. 35-38
  • YOSHIDA Eirei. Thinking from the activities of volunteers supporting the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. 2013. 20. 96-130
  • YOSHIDA Eirei. What can religion do to support reconstruction? -Reports and suggestions from students-. 2013. 7. 6-9
  • 吉田 叡禮. 茶の湯と武芸 斯道の接点 : 『不動智』に学ぶ(最終回). 茶道雑誌. 2012. 76. 12. 142-155
  • 吉田 叡禮. 茶の湯と武芸 斯道の接点 : 『不動智』に学ぶ(2). 茶道雑誌. 2012. 76. 11. 36-49
Books (14):
  • 日本昔話で学ぶ心のあり方 : 子どもを持つ親に読んで欲しい
    日本橋出版,星雲社 (発売) 2022 ISBN:9784434310768
  • 仏教事典
    丸善出版 2021 ISBN:9784621305829
  • 三国伝来仏の教えを味わう : インド・中国・日本の仏教と「食」
    臨川書店 2017 ISBN:9784653044352
  • 『臨済録』研究の現在 : 臨済禅師一一五〇年遠諱記念国際学会論文集
    禅文化研究所 2017 ISBN:9784881823002
  • 仏教史研究ハンドブック
    法藏館 2017 ISBN:9784831860057
Education (5):
  • 1999 - 2000 Komazawa Univ.
  • 1997 - 1999 Komazawa Univ.
  • 1994 - 1997 Komazawa Univ.
  • 1992 - 1994 Komazawa Univ.
  • 1988 - 1992 Hanazono Univ.
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(仏教学) (駒澤大學)
Work history (5):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 Bukkyo University School of Buddhism Department of Buddhist Studies
  • 2024/04 - 現在 Ryukoku University Professor
  • 2015/04 - 2018/03 Hanazono univ. Department of Buddhist Study professor
  • 2011/04 - 2015/03 Hanazono univ. Department of international Zen Buddism Study Associate professor
  • 2007/04 - 2011/03 Hanazono univ. Department of Buddhist Study Lecture
Association Membership(s) (7):
東アジア仏教研究会 ,  駒澤大学仏教学部仏教学会 ,  禅学研究会 ,  韓国仏教学研究会 ,  仏教史学会 ,  JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF INDIAN AND BUDDHIST STUDIES ,  日本仏教学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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