Research field (1):
Sociology/history of science and technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2020 - 2023 Historical Study on New and Old Calendar in Modern Okinawa
2016 - 2020 Historical Studies on Overseas Technical Assistance in Postwar Japan
2016 - 2019 "Chosen minreki": Confrontation between Traditional and Modern Knowledge
2015 - 2018 20世紀東アジアにおける台風研究の展開と実践についての科学史的研究
MISC (8):
もう一つの災禍:戦後広島の枕崎台風. 人間環境学研究. 2022. 20
草創期における気象観測所の役割と期待:広島測候所を事例に. 天気. 2022. 69
宮川 卓也. Bai-u Research in the Expanding Meteorological Network of the Japanese Empire. 科学史研究. [第III期] = Journal of history of science, Japan. 日本科学史学会 編. 2016. 276. 302-313
Building the Imperial Meteorological Network of Japan, 1894-1930. History & Culture. 2013. 25. 6. 1-38
The “Great History” of the Colony and the Prestige of the Empire: Wada Yuji`s Study on History of Korean Meteorology. The Korean Journal for the History of Science. 2010. 32. 2. 161-185