Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2021 - 2025 A critical examination of syntactic verb movement: On the mismatch between syntax and semantics
2019 - 2021 A Comparative Study of Syntax for the Investigation of Universal Coordinate and Parallel Structures
2016 - 2018 Elucidating the Universal Structure of Coordination: A Comparative Study of Syntax with Special Reference to Japanese and English
Papers (43):
Kobayashi, Ryoichiro. Replicability of Adjunct-Inclusive Interpretation: Implications for Adjunct Ellipsis in Japanese. Proceedings of the 60th Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS60). 2025. 60. 1-12
Kobayashi, Ryoichiro, Tomoya Tanabe, Daiki Matsumoto. Deriving Verb-Echo Answers in Japanese by Referencing (Immediate) QUD Sets. Proceedings of the 14th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia XIV). 2024. 170-183
Tanabe, Tomoya, Ryoichiro Kobayashi. Verb-Echo Answers in Japanese do not Call for Syntactic Head Movement: Arguments for a Pragmatic Account. Studia Linguistica. 2024. 78. 3. 518-554
Vardaman, James M., 鎌田, 明子, 岡田, 大樹, 小林, 亮一朗. Japan's dilemmas and solutions : 15 topics you need to consider : 考えよう日本の論点15. 2022
Ryoichiro Kobayashi. Derivations of non-constituent coordination in Japanese and English. What You Have Always Wanted to Know About English Linguistics, Education, and Literature. 2020. 38-39
Yoda, Yusuke, Kobayashi, Ryoichiro, Takayuki Akimoto. A Report on 1st Year Placement Tests and Current Studentsʼ Learning Attitudes. Bulletin of Toyo Gakuen University. 2018. 26. 1. 123-138
Kobayashi, Ryoichiro. Language Learning Strategies of Japanese Students Joining "English Speaking Society". Beyond Words. 2016. 4. 2. 113-125
Kobayashi, Ryoichiro. Against V-to-T-to-C movement in Japanese: A case study of non-constituent coordination. Paper presented at the 11th Edition of the Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. 2015
Functional Parametrization Hypothesis in the Minimalist Program: Case Studies from the Perspective of Comparative Syntax of Japanese and English
Kaitakusha 2022 ISBN:4758923787
Lectures and oral presentations (59):
Adjunct Ellipsis in English
(The 42nd Annual Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan 2024)
The Obligatory Wide Scope Phenomena in Japanese: A Myth?
(日本言語学会 第169回大会 2024)
Non-intersective Modification Requires Deverbal Derivation: Evidence from Japanese
(Sinn und Bedeutung 29 2024)
Prosodic Prominence Induces Ellipsis Resistance: New Evidence from Masaka in Japanese
(Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar 26 and Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 18 (SICOGG26/WAFL18) 2024)
Ellipsis and Head Movement at the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Crossroad: Japanese and Beyond
(Workshop at the 168th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan 2024)