J-GLOBAL ID:201601015991323253
Update date: Mar. 11, 2025
Keisuke Mori
Keisuke Mori
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (2):
, Local studies
Research keywords (9):
Political Sociology
, Social Movement Stuides
, Global Postcolonial Historical Sociology
, International Sociology
, Regional and Community Studies
, Governmentality
, Social Survey
, Germany
, Okinawa
Papers (22):
Keisuke Mori, Shinnosuke Takahashi. Forword to the Special Issue: Reexamining the Conditions of "Okinawa". Social Theory and Dynamics: Special Issue. 2025. 6. 1-13
Keisuke Mori. Base towns: Local contestation of the US military in Korea and Japan. By Claudia JunghyunKim, New York: Oxford University Press. 2023. pp. 228. £58.00 (hardback). ISBN:978-019-76-6527-5. Japanese Journal of Sociology. 2025. 2015
Keisuke Mori. International Research Trends in Sociological Social Movement Studies: Focusing on the 2010s and Beyond. Shakaigaku Nenpo. 2024. 58. 325-340
Keisuke Mori. Analzying Okinawa from the Perspective of Colonial Governmentalities. 2022. 27. 211-240
Keisuke Mori. Resilience of the Community against Environmental Pollution: The Knowledge Production Process of Local Activism on PFAS Contamination on the US Military Bases in Okinawa. Okinawan Journal of Island Studies. 2022. 3. 2. 159-175
MISC (19):
小池隆生, 鈴木奈穂美, 森啓輔. 川崎市多摩区住民の生活と福祉に関する意識調査 : 調査結果中間報告. 専修大学社会科学研究所月報. 2022. 704. 8-55
森啓輔. 基地の不正義を隠すもの. 世界. 2022. 959. 247-252
書評と紹介 上原こずえ著『共同の力 : 1970~80年代の金武湾闘争とその生存思想』. 大原社会問題研究所雑誌. 2021. 758. 75-79
Keisuke Mori. A Review of Kyōdō no Chikara [Power of the Commons : 1970-80s Kin Bay Struggle and Its Philosophy of Survival]. 2021. 2. 117-122
森啓輔. 書評 小杉亮子著 『東大闘争の語り--社会運動の予示と戦略. 社会学研究. 2020. 104. 227-231
Books (10):
川崎の研究 (専修大学社会科学研究所社会科学研究叢書 26)
専修大学出版局 2024 ISBN:4881253913
以文社 2024 ISBN:475310382X
沖縄山原/統治と抵抗: 戦後北部東海岸をめぐる軍政・開発・社会運動
ナカニシヤ出版 2023 ISBN:4779515068
Borders in east and west : transnational and comparative perspectives
Berghahn Books 2022 ISBN:1800736231
明石書店 2022 ISBN:4750354120
Lectures and oral presentations (44):
森啓輔『著沖縄山原/統治と抵抗: 戦後北部東海岸をめぐる軍政・開 発・社会運動』(ナカニシヤ出版、 2023年)書評会
(社会運動論研究会 2024)
The Implications of Global/Postcolonial Historical Sociologies
(Annual Conference of Japan Sociological Society 2024)
ガルミンダ・バンブラの「連なりあう複数の歴史 connected histories」の記述戦略とグローバル社会学の試み
(日本社会学理論学会第19回大会 2024)
The Turn towards Digital Activism of the Anti-U.S. Movements on the Periphery: Frame Contests of A Social Movement with Geographically Remote External Actors
(第7回国際社会学若手研究会 2024)
Education (4):
- 2011 - 2016 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Social Sciences Doctoral Course
- 2009 - 2011 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Social Sciences Master Course
- 2004 - 2009 Univesity of the Ryukyus Faculty of Law and Letters Department of Human Sciences
- 2006 - 2007 Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf Philosophische Fakultät
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D (Hitotsubashi University)
Work history (9):
- 2023/04 - 現在 Senshu University School of Economics Associate Professor
- 2021/04 - 2023/03 Senshu University School of Economics Lecturer
- 2020/08 - 2021/03 University of the Ryukyus Research Institute for Island and Sutainability Postdoc Researcher
- 2020/07 - 2021/03 中央大学社会科学研究所 客員研究員
- 2019/04 - 2020/07 Ruhr University Bochum
- 2019/04 - 2020/07 Overseas Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2016/04 - 2019/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Post Doctoral Fellow
- 2011/04 - 2014/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Doctoral Fellow (DC1)
- 2012/09 - 2013/03 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Philosophische Fakultät Visiting Researcher
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Committee career (5):
- 2024 - 現在 International Liaison Committee, The Japan Sociological Society
- 2020/03 - 現在 Institute of Theory and Dynamics, Journal: Theory and Dynamics Editorial Board
- 2015 - 現在 Network for Social Movement and Collective Behavior Office member
- 2016 - 2018/03 The Japan Sociological Society International Journal of Japanese Sociology Office
- 2014 - 2014 The Japan Sociological Society Organizational Board/ East Asian Junior Sociologist Forum
Association Membership(s) (4):
International Sociological Association
, Japan Association for Social Policy Studies
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