J-GLOBAL ID:201601016393714457   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Kumagai Yutaro

クマガイ ユウタロウ | Kumagai Yutaro
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://ykumagai.strikingly.com/
Research field  (2): Genomics ,  Immunology
Research keywords  (9): Listeria monocytogenes ,  Streptococcus pneumoniae ,  Ly6Chi monocyte ,  RNA結合タンパク質 ,  ウイルス感染 ,  I型インターフェロン産生細胞 ,  自然免疫 ,  Ly6Chi monocy型te ,  I型IFN
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2022 - 2028 Platform for Advanced Genome Science
  • 2019 - 2022 リバーストランスレーショナルアプローチによる動物の脳波による痛み評価法の確立
  • 2018 - 2021 Modeling immune system by a mathematical method integrating omics data
  • 2017 - 2019 Analysis of a novel cell-cell contact-dependent signaling pathway in antiviral immune response
  • 2015 - 2019 Elucidation of the mechanisms of cellar and molecular transduction to the brain for trigger of pain chronification
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Papers (71):
  • Yutaro Kumagai, Yutaka Saito, Yasuyuki S Kida. A multiomics atlas of brown adipose tissue development over time. Endocrinology. 2023
  • Erika Sugisawa, Takeshi Kondo, Yutaro Kumagai, Hiroki Kato, Yasunori Takayama, Kayako Isohashi, Eku Shimosegawa, Naoki Takemura, Yoshinori Hayashi, Takuya Sasaki, et al. Nociceptor-derived Reg3γ prevents endotoxic death by targeting kynurenine pathway in microglia. Cell Reports. 2022. 38. 10. 110462-110462
  • Yoshihiro Miyazaki, Tatsuya Oda, Yuki Inagaki, Hiroko Kushige, Yutaka Saito, Nobuhito Mori, Yuzo Takayama, Yutaro Kumagai, Toutai Mitsuyama, Yasuyuki S. Kida. Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into heterogeneous cancer-associated fibroblasts in a stroma-rich xenograft model. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1
  • Kenta Maruyama, Hiroyasu Kidoya, Naoki Takemura, Erika Sugisawa, Osamu Takeuchi, Takeshi Kondo, Mohammed Mansour Abbas Eid, Hiroki Tanaka, Mikaël M. Martino, Nobuyuki Takakura, et al. Zinc Finger Protein St18 Protects against Septic Death by Inhibiting VEGF-A from Macrophages. Cell Reports. 2020. 32. 2. 107906-107906
  • Erika Sugisawa, Yasunori Takayama, Naoki Takemura, Takeshi Kondo, Shigetsugu Hatakeyama, Yutaro Kumagai, Masataka Sunagawa, Makoto Tominaga, Kenta Maruyama. RNA Sensing by Gut Piezo1 Is Essential for Systemic Serotonin Synthesis. Cell. 2020
MISC (7):
  • Youngae Lee, Yutaro Kumagai, Min Seong Jang, Jung-Hwan Kim, Bo-Gie Yang, Shizuo Akira, Myoung Ho Jang. Intestinal Lin-c-Kit+NKp46-CD4-population highly produces IL-22 upon IL-1 beta stimulation. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2013. 190
  • 熊谷 雄太郎, 審良 静男. 敗血症発症とPattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) (特集 凝固炎症反応連関からみた敗血症の病態と治療). Thrombosis medicine. 2011. 1. 2. 125-133
  • Pui Y. Lee, Yi Li, Yutaro Kumagai, Jason Weinstein, Dina Nacionales, Edward Butfiloski, Erinn Kellner, Shizuo Akira, Eric Sobel, Minoru Satoh, et al. Type-I interferon modulates monocyte recruitment and maturation in chronic inflammation. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2009. 182
  • Yutaro Kumagai, Tatsuya Saitoh, Shizuo Akira. Frontiers of research on innate immunity. Japanese Journal of Allergology. 2009. 58. 6. 638-647
  • Pui Y. Lee, Yutaro Kumagai, Yi Li, Jason Weinstein, Osamu Takeuchi, Dina Nacionales, Tole Barker, Taro Kawai, Minoru Satoh, Shizuo Akira, et al. Tlr-7-dependent and Fc gamma R-independent production of type I interferon in experimental murine lupus. ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM. 2008. 58. 9. S903-S903
Professional career (2):
  • 博士(医学) (大阪大学)
  • 修士(工学) (東京工業大学)
Work history (1):
  • 2013 - Osaka University WPI Immunology Frontier Research Center
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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