J-GLOBAL ID:201601017576364176   Update date: Dec. 01, 2024

Matsui Toshifumi

Matsui Toshifumi
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Cognitive neuroscience
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2014 - 2018 Effect of ALDH2 polymorphism on brain atrophy in alcoholic patients: A matched-pair MRI study by voxel-based morphometric analysis
  • 2003 - 2005 無症候性脳梗塞の危険因子-背振・女川比較研究-
Papers (115):
  • Toshifumi Matsui, Sayuri Mitsuma, Akane Nagata, Sachio Matsushita, Toshiomi Asahi. Accelerated cognitive decline after the COVID-19 pandemic in a community population of older persons with cognitive impairment: A 4-year time series analysis in the Tokyo Metropolis area. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 2023. 23. 3. 200-204
  • Kiwami Kidana, Maiko Mizuki, Toshifumi Matsui, Masahiro Akishita, Takashi Yamanaka. Effectiveness of a servo-assistive robotic rollator in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 2021
  • Akira Yokoyama, Tetsuji Yokoyama, Toshifumi Matsui, Takeshi Mizukami, Mitsuru Kimura, Sachio Matsushita, Susumu Higuchi, Katsuya Maruyama. Impacts of interactions between ADH1B and ALDH2 genotypes on alcohol flushing, alcohol reeking on the day after drinking, and age distribution in Japanese alcohol-dependent men. Pharmacogenetics and genomics. 2020. 30. 3. 54-60
  • Taro Kojima, Toshifumi Matsui, Yusuke Suzuki, Yasushi Takeya, Naoki Tomita, Koichi Kozaki, Masafumi Kuzuya, Hiromi Rakugi, Hiroyuki Arai, Masahiro Akishita. Risk factors for adverse drug reactions in older inpatients of geriatric wards at admission: Multicenter study. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 2020. 20. 2. 144-149
  • Akira Yokoyama, Tetsuji Yokoyama, Tai Omori, Hitoshi Maesato, Tsuyoshi Takimura, Chie Iwahara, Mitsuru Kimura, Toshifumi Matsui, Takeshi Mizukami, Katsuya Maruyama. Endoscopic screening using esophageal iodine staining and genotypes of ADH1B and ALDH2 in Japanese alcohol-dependent women. PloS one. 2019. 14. 1. e0210546
MISC (251):
  • 松井 敏史, 松下 幸生, 旭 俊臣. 【ここが知りたいアルコール性肝疾患-お酒と肝臓の上手な付き合いかたとは?】アルコールの基礎知識と対策 アルコールによる疾患リスク. 診断と治療. 2024. 112. 9. 1075-1081
  • 松井 敏史, 永田 あかね, 三ツ間 小百合, 糸井 和佳, 松下 幸生, 旭 俊臣. 認知症疾患医療センター外来における抗精神病薬の推奨・減薬状況 テキストマイニング解析による検討. 日本老年医学会雑誌. 2024. 61. Suppl. 156-156
  • 松井 敏史. 高齢化社会のアルコール問題 アルコールによる中枢神経へのダメージ. Dementia Japan. 2023. 37. 4. 632-632
  • 松井 敏史, 三ツ間 小百合, 永田 あかね, 相良 幸, 酒井 沙姫, 首藤 仁子, 糸井 和佳, 旭 俊臣. 新型コロナ禍での認知機能障害高齢者の認知機能低下要因の検討. 日本老年医学会雑誌. 2023. 60. Suppl. 163-163
  • 糸井 和佳, 松井 敏史, 永田 あかね. 若年性認知症者を介護する家族の時期による困りごとへの帰納的アプローチ. 日本認知症ケア学会誌. 2023. 22. 1. 183-183
Patents (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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