2014 - 2018 Theoretical and experimental study of pressure and nonequilibrium control and enhancement of Tc based on the orbital distillation
2013 - 2016 Theory of photoinduced superconductivity and nonequilibrium phase transition in complex correlated quantum systems
2013 - 2015 非平衡動的平均場理論の展開と低次元強相関系への応用
2008 - 2010 強相関系における非平衡現象の理論 -マンガン酸化物における光誘起相転移
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Papers (57):
Shohei Imai, Naoto Tsuji. Quantum many-body scars with unconventional superconducting pairing symmetries via multibody interactions. Physical Review Research. 2025
Chihiro Matsui, Naoto Tsuji. Boundary dissipative spin chains with partial solvability inherited from system Hamiltonians. Physical Review B. 2024
Raigo Nagashima, Sida Tian, Rafael Haenel, Naoto Tsuji, Dirk Manske. Classification of Lifshitz invariant in multiband superconductors: An application to Leggett modes in the linear response regime in Kagome lattice models. Physical Review Research. 2024
Philipp Werner, Martin Eckstein, Naoto Tsuji. Nonequilibrium DMFT approach to time-resolved Raman spectroscopy. Physical Review B. 2023
Takumi Kamatani, Sota Kitamura, Naoto Tsuji, Ryo Shimano, Takahiro Morimoto. Optical response of the Leggett mode in multiband superconductors in the linear response regime. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2022. 105. 9
Mikami T., Kitamura S., Yasuda K., Tsuji N., Oka T., Aoki H. 22pBR-7 High-frequency expansion for ac driven quantum systems based on Brillouin-Wigner theory. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2016. 71. 3116-3116
Tsuji Naoto, Aoki Hideo. Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory for the Higgs mode in an s-wave superconductor. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2013. 68. 2. 652-652
Tsuji Naoto, Werner Philipp. 22pPSA-63 Numerical approach to the nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory based on conserving approximations. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 2. 245-245
Tsuji N., Oka T., Aoki H. 26pTF-5 Nonequilibrium equalities for nonequilibrium steady states in electron systems. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 1. 320-320
Tsuji N., Oka T., Werner Philipp, Aoki H. 20aTB-7 ac-field controlled many-body interaction in fermion systems. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2010. 65. 1. 158-158