Research keywords (4):
, X線イメージング
, Medical imaging technology
, X-ray imaging
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
2021 - 2024 Improvement of the spatial resolution of phase-contrast CT
2018 - 2021 Development of the small angle scattering x-ray imaging system for biomedical soft tissue
2016 - 2019 Development of analyzer based refraction-contrast tomosynthesis device using x-ray tube
2016 - 2019 Real-time visualization of shear wave propagation and its application to tissue characterization
2014 - 2018 Development of phase-contrast CT reconstruction algorithm for biological samples including hard tissues
2014 - 2017 Development of fluorescent X-ray computed tomography using multi pinhole collimator
2014 - 2017 Development of X-Ray Optics for establishment of X-ray Pathology
2012 - 2015 Evaluation of cavitation from bubble mist and development to sonopolation
2012 - ピンホールを用いた蛍光X線CT撮像システムの開発
2012 - Fluorescent x-ray computed tomography using the pinhole effect
2009 - 2011 Development of digital refraction-contrast tomosynthesis
2007 - 2009 テラヘルツ波を用いた断層画像化システムの開発
2007 - 2009 Development of tomographic system using terahertz wave
2009 - 乳癌診断を目的とする屈折コントラストX線CTの開発
2009 - Development of refraction contrast x-ray CT
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Papers (64):
Naoki Sunaguchi, Tetsuya Yuasa, Daisuke Shimao, Zhuoran Huang, Shu Ichihara, Rieko Nishimura, Akari Iwakoshi, Jong-Ki Kim, Rajiv Gupta, Masami Ando. Superimposed Wavefront Imaging of Diffraction-enhanced X-rays: sparsity-aware CT reconstruction from limited-view projections. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2024
Naoki Sunaguchi, Tetsuya Yuasa, Daisuke Shimao, Zhuoran Huang, Shu Ichihara, Rieko Nishimura, Akari Iwakoshi, Jong-Ki Kim, Rajiv Gupta, Masami Ando. Phase-contrast visualization of human tissues using superimposed wavefront imaging of diffraction-enhanced x-rays. Medical physics. 2024
Eunjue Yi, Naoki Sunaguchi, Jeong Hyeon Lee, Seung-Jun Seo, Sungho Lee, Daisuke Shimao, Masami Ando. Synchrotron Radiation Refraction-Contrast Computed Tomography Based on X-ray Dark-Field Imaging Optics of Pulmonary Malignancy: Comparison with Pathologic Examination. Cancers. 2024. 16. 4. 806-806
Naoki Sunaguchi, Tetsuya Yuasa, Daisuke Shimao, Shu Ichihara, Rajiv Gupta, Masami Ando. Superimposed wavefront imaging of diffraction-enhanced x-rays: A method to achieve higher resolution in crystal analyzer-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging. Applied Physics Letters. 2023. 122. 12
Naoki Sunaguchi, Zhuoran Huang, Daisuke Shimao, Shu Ichihara, Rieko Nishimura, Akari Iwakoshi, Tetsuya Yuasa, Masami Ando. Crystal optics simulations for delineation of the three-dimensional cellular nuclear distribution using analyzer-based refraction-contrast computed tomography. Scientific Reports. 2022. 12. 1
對馬結太, 松岡将宏, 笹谷典太, 砂口尚輝, 河嶋秀和, 兵藤一行, 湯浅哲也, 銭谷勉. Improvement of image quality of x-ray fluorescence computed tomography by using deep image prior. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2023. 2022
砂口尚輝, 黄卓然, 島雄大介, 湯浅哲也, 市原周, 西村理恵子, 岩越朱里, 安藤正海. Refraction-contrast CT system based on X-ray darkfield imaging with high spatial resolution. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2023. 2022
砂口尚輝, 湯浅哲也, 島雄大介, HUANG Zhuoran, 市原周, 西村理恵子, 岩越朱里, KIM Jong-Ki, GUPTA Rajiv, 安藤正海. Theoretical consideration on refraction-contrast CT based on the superimposed wavefront imaging of diffraction-enhanced X-rays. センシングフォーラム資料(CD-ROM). 2023. 40th
Books (2):
Synchrotron Radiation Applications
World Scientific 2016
Synchrotron Radiation Applications
World Scientific 2016
Lectures and oral presentations (126):
Fundamental study of multi-pinhole fluorescent x-ray computed tomography of gold nanoparticle-loaded objects
(The 10th Asian Meeting on Biomedical Synchrotron Radiation Imaging (AMSI2015) 2016)
Attempt at Improving the Spatial Resolution by thinning of LAA under the X-ray Dark Field Imaging
(The 10th Asian Meeting on Biomedical Synchrotron Radiation Imaging (AMSI2015) 2016)
Laplacian based reconstruction algorithm for differential phase-contrast computed tomography
(The 10th Asian Meeting on Biomedical Synchrotron Radiation Imaging (AMSI2015) 2016)
Comparison of single diffraction- and multi-diffraction- crystal analyzer based X-ray phase imaging to visualize soft tissues
(The 10th Asian Meeting on Biomedical Synchrotron Radiation Imaging (AMSI2015) 2016)
Fundamental study of multi-pinhole fluorescent x-ray computed tomography of gold nanoparticle-loaded objects
(The 10th Asian Meeting on Biomedical Synchrotron Radiation Imaging (AMSI2015) 2016)
2010 - 2012 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
2010 - 2012 JSPS research fellow, Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
2012 - - 群馬大学大学院 工学研究科 助教
2012 - - Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Gunma university
2011 - - 名古屋医療センター 客員研究員
2011 - - Visiting scholar, Nagoya Medical Center
Gunma University Assistant Professor
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Awards (10):
2016 - 計測自動制御学会・学術奨励賞(技術奨励賞)
2015 - 計測部門研究・技術奨励賞
2013 - 計測自動制御学会学会賞(論文賞)
2013 - MI研奨励賞
2012 - Best Poster Award
2012 - Best Poster Award
2011 - 1st high prize for the paper
2011 - 学会賞(奨励賞)
2011 - 1st high prize for the paper
2008 - 優秀発表賞
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Association Membership(s) (8):
, 電子情報通信学会
, 日本放射光学会
, 応用物理学会
, The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research
, The japan society of applied physics
, Information and Communication Engineers
, The Institute of Electronics