J-GLOBAL ID:201602007298661189   Reference number:58A0070596

Cretaceous ammonites from the spillway excavation of Cedar Bluff Dam, Trego County, Kansas.

カンザス州Trego郡Cedar Bluff Damのスピルウェイどうぐつ産白亜紀アンモナイト類(スピルウェイどうくつから出たCollgnoceras,Proptacenticeras,Scaphitesなどを記載。Turonian期のCollngnoniceras woolgari帯を示す)
Author (2):
Volume: 32  Issue:Page: 351-356  Publication year: 1958 
JST Material Number: C0329A  ISSN: 0022-3360  CODEN: JPALAZ  Document type: Article
Country of issue: United States (USA) 
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