J-GLOBAL ID:201602008301977628   Reference number:58A0016380

Seventh International Technical Congress of the F.I.S.I.T.A. No.I.

F.I.S.I.T.A.(Federation Ihternationale des Societes d Ingenieurs et Techniciens de 1 Au-tomobile)の第7回国際会議討論報告 I(1958年5月バリで開催,主にディーゼル機関について論ず)
Volume: 205  Issue: 5344  Page: 986-987  Publication year: 1958 
JST Material Number: B0477A  ISSN: 0013-7758  CODEN: ENGIA  Document type: Article
Country of issue: United Kingdom (GBR) 
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