J-GLOBAL ID:201602203402336159   Reference number:16A0258685

Enhancement of Src Family Kinase Activity is Essential for p38 MAP Kinase-Mediated Dedifferentiation Signal of Parotid Acinar Cells

Author (5):
Volume: 14  Issue: 2-3  Page: 33-40 (J-STAGE)  Publication year: 2016 
JST Material Number: L4836A  ISSN: 1347-9733  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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JST classification (2):
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Basic dentistry(= odontology)  ,  Cell physiology in general 
Reference (20):
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  • 3. Fujita-Yoshigaki J, Matsuki-Fukushima M, and Sugiya H: Inhibition of Src and p38 MAP kinases suppresses the change of claudin expression induced on dedifferentiation of primary cultured parotid acinar cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 294: C774-C785, 2008.
  • 4. Fujita-Yoshigaki J, Qi B, Narita T, and Sugiya H: Parotid acinar cells transiently change to duct-like cells during epithelial-mesenchymal transition. J Med Invest, 56 Suppl: 258-259, 2009.
  • 5. Qi B, Fujita-Yoshigaki J, Michikawa H, Satoh K, Katsumata O, and Sugiya H: Differences in claudin synthesis in primary cultures of acinar cells from rat salivary gland are correlated with the specific three-dimensional organization of the cells. Cell Tissue Res, 329: 59-70, 2007.

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