J-GLOBAL ID:201602221710024896   Reference number:16A0478079

Developmental Process of Cooperation with other Institutions through the Provision of Information on “Parents and Children of Concern” by Nurses Working at Maternity Hospitals: with an Aim to Preventing Infant Abuse

Author (3):
Volume: 38  Issue:Page: 1-12  Publication year: Dec. 20, 2015 
JST Material Number: Y0282B  ISSN: 2188-3599  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Medical systems  ,  Social medicine in general  ,  Gynecology and obstetrics in general  ,  Nursing,nursing services  ,  Public health 
Reference (23):
  • Abramson, J and Rosenthal, B. (1995). Interdisciplinary and interorganizational collaboration. In: Edwards, R.L. and Hopps, J.G. eds., Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed., 1479-1489, Washington, DC: NASW Press.
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  • 上別府圭子, 杉下佳文, 栗原佳代子, 村山志保, 山崎あけみ(2010). 周産期のメンタルヘルスと虐待予防のための育児支援システム構築に関する研究(1)-地域母子保健からの検討. 子どもの虐待とネグレクト, 12(1), 61-68.
  • 唐田順子(2008). 病産院における子育てを見据えた産褥期の支援の実態と助産師の役割認識. 母性衛生. 49(2), 357-365.
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