J-GLOBAL ID:201602231296971441   Reference number:16A0659147

HbA1c-meaurements at the Room for a Health Check in a Pharmacy-Aiming Supports for the Home-Caregivers-

Author (8):
Volume:Issue:Page: 12-20  Publication year: Aug. 14, 2015 
JST Material Number: F1761A  ISSN: 2188-658X  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Pharmaceutical affairs,pharmaceutical practice  ,  Metabolic diseases,nutritional diseases in general.  ,  Medical systems  ,  Nursing,nursing services 
Reference (42):
  • Hautsalo, K, Rantanen, A, Astedt-Kurki, P, Family Functioning, Health and Social Support Assessed by Aged Home Care Clients and their Family Members, Journal of clinical nursing, 2013, 22, 2953-2963.
  • Saunders, MM, Perspectives from Family Caregivers Receiving Home Nursing Support: Finding from a Qualitative Study of Home Care Patients with Heart Failure, Home healthcare nurse, 2012, 30, 82-90.
  • 鬼頭信子,鄭 玉栄,末田香里, 在宅要介護老人の介護者の蓄積的疲労度と食習慣生活の関連, 名古屋女子大学紀要, 2002, 48, 51-61.
  • 鈴木洋子,星野純子,堀 容子,長澤伸江,前川厚子,近藤高明,榊原久孝,岡本和士, 主介護者の食品群別摂取量と介護疲労感との関連, 栄養学雑誌, 2009, 67, 12-21.
  • 糖尿病治療ガイド編集委員会, 糖尿病治療ガイド 2014-2015, 日本糖尿病学会, 2014.
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