J-GLOBAL ID:201602237267040175   Reference number:16A1188070

The facilitation of vection by ”full-grass-water method”

Author (4):
Volume: 21  Issue:Page: 411-414  Publication year: Sep. 30, 2016 
JST Material Number: L3202A  ISSN: 1344-011X  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Applied psychology  ,  Other information processing  ,  Graphic and image processing in general 
Reference (16):
  • [1] Fischer, M. H., & Kornmuller, A. E. (1930). Optokinetisch ausgeloste Bewegungs-wahrnehmungen und optokinetinetischer Nystagmus. <i>Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie</i>, <b>41</b>, 273-308.
  • [2] Brandt, T., Dichgans, J., & Koenig, E. (1973). Differential effects of central versus peripheral vision on egocentric and exocentric motion perception. <i>Experimental Brain Research</i>, <b>16</b>, 476-491.
  • [3] Seno, T., Palmisano, S., Riecke, B. E., & Nakamura, S. (2015). Walking without optic flow reduces subsequent vection. <i>Experimental Brain Research</i>, <b>233</b>, 275-281.
  • [4] 徳永康祐,小川将樹,池畑諭,増田知尋,妹尾武治(2016). 日本のアニメーション作品中に見られるベクションシーンのデータベースの作成と、心理実験による評価.日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌,21, 1, 35-47.
  • [5] Palmisano, S., Allison, R. S., Kim, J., & Bonato, F. (2011). Simulated viewpoint jitter shakes sensory conflict accounts of vection. <i>Seeing and Perceiving</i>, <b>24</b>, 173-200.
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