J-GLOBAL ID:201602243308619205   Reference number:16A0502982

Environmental Factors Affecting Growth of Cerasus jamasakura and Padus grayana in a Sub-urban Secondary Forest

Author (5):
Volume: 41  Issue:Page: 448-458  Publication year: May. 31, 2016 
JST Material Number: Z0839A  ISSN: 0916-7439  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Reference (52):
  • 1) Akaike, H. (1973) Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on information theory (eds. Petrov, B.N. and Caski, F.). pp. 267-281, Akadimiai Kiado, Budapest, [Reproduced from Breakthroughs in statistics Vol. 1 Foundations and basic theory (eds. Kotz, S. and Johnson, N.L.). pp. 610-624, Springer-Verlag, New York (1992) ].
  • 2) Andreassena, K. and Tomterb, S. M (2003) Basal area growth models for individual trees of Norway spruce, Scots pine, birch and other broadleaves in Norway. Forest Ecology and Management, 180: 11-24.
  • 3) 有岡利幸 (2007) ものと人間の文化史 137-I桜 I,法政大学出版局,364 pp.
  • 4) 馬場生織・岩坪五郎 (2001) 近畿大学奈良キャンパスの現存植生に関する生態学的研究,近畿大学農学部紀要, 34: 113-149.
  • 5) Biging, G. S. and Dobbertin, M. (1992) A comparison of distance-dependent competition measures for height and basal area growth of individual conifer trees. Forest Science, 38: 695-720.

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