Kazuhiro Yamanoi, Chifumi Fujii, Hanae Yuzuriha, Mai Kumazawa, Masayuki Shimoda, Katsura Emoto, Hisao Asamura, Jun Nakayama. MUC6 expression is a preferable prognostic marker for invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung. Histochemistry and cell biology. 2022. 157. 6. 671-684
Atsuko Yuki, Chifumi Fujii, Kazuhiro Yamanoi, Hisanori Matoba, Satoru Harumiya, Masatomo Kawakubo, Jun Nakayama. Glycosylation of MUC6 by α1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine enhances suppression of pancreatic cancer malignancy. Cancer Science. 2021. 113. 2. 576-586
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Shigenori Yamada, Kazuhiro Yamanoi, Yoshiko Sato, Jun Nakayama. Diffuse MIST1 expression and decreased α1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine (αGlcNAc) glycosylation on MUC6 are distinct hallmarks for gastric neoplasms showing oxyntic gland differentiation. Histopathology. 2020. 77. 3. 413-422
Kazuhiro Yamanoi, Eri Arai, Yoriko Takahashi, Sayaka Miyata, Ryoji Kushima, Hitoshi Katai, Michiie Sakamoto, Yae Kanai. Epigenetic clustering of gastric carcinoma based on DNA methylation profiles at the precancerous stage: its correlation with tumor aggressiveness and patient outcome. CANCER RESEARCH. 2014. 74. 19