Research field (2):
Philosophy and ethics
, History of thought
Research keywords (3):
, Cosmopolitanism
, Stoicism
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2012 - 2015 初期ストア派の政治哲学-法とポリスについての議論の再構築
Papers (6):
川本 愛. Rules in Stoic Theory of Moral Actions. 西洋古典学研究. 2015. 63. 62-73
川本 愛. The Formation of the Concept of Community of the Human Race in Stoa : From the City of Sages to the Community of the Human Race?. アルケー : 関西哲学会年報. 2014. 22. 77-87
川本 愛. The Redefinition of Polis in Zeno's Republic. 古代哲学研究. 2013. 45. 19-34
川本 愛. The State is by Nature Prior to the Individual : A Problematic Proposition in Aristotle's Politics 1. 2. 西洋古典研究会論集. 2012. 21. 49-64
川本 愛. Three Definitions of 'Political Animal' in Aristotle. 哲学世界. 別冊. 2011. 3. 1-13
川本愛. 書評 William W. Fortenbaugh, ed., Arius Didymus on Peripatetic Ethics, Household Management, and Politics: Text, Translation, and Discussion. Pp. xii+346, New York, Routledge 2017, £95.99. 西洋古典学研究. 2020. 68. 167-169
石野 敬太, 川本 愛, 齋藤 拓也, 金山 準, 稲村 一隆. Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy : The author-meets-critics-session's note. 教養諸学研究 = Journal of liberal arts. 2017. 143. 129-153
川本 愛. 書評 Ilaria Ramelli, Hierocles the Stoic : Elements of Ethics, Fragments, and Excerpts. Translated by David Konstan. 西洋古典学研究. 2014. 62. 62. 140-143