Mina TAKANASHI, Yasuo SHIMIZU. Effects of Free Climbing Training to Promote the Interpersonal Communication Skills -Examination of an Educational Intervention Program to support Parent-Children Relationships in Japan-. 2018. 51. 11-28
Mina TAKANASHKI, Yasuo SHIMIZU. The Effectiveness of an Experiential Learning Program to Promote Students' Team Building in University Physical Education. 2017. 50. 41-52
An influence of a free climbing program on self-efficacy of students with visual impairmen. Japanese Journal of Vision Rehabilitation. 2013. 3. 1. 23-35
Books (3):
Mental Activation through Sports
Self-efficacy and Low Vision
野外教育入門シリーズ第4巻 障がいのある子どもたちの野外教育
Kyorin-Shoin 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
The Effectiveness of an Experiential Learning Program to Promote Students' Team Building in University Physical Education