J-GLOBAL ID:201701012507835120   Update date: Feb. 08, 2025

Shuichiro Nakao

ナカオ シュウイチロウ | Shuichiro Nakao
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (3): Foreign language education ,  Local studies ,  Linguistics
Research keywords  (11): African languages ,  Creole ,  Berta/Benishangul/Funj ,  Bangala ,  Mediterranean Lingua Franca ,  Juba Arabic ,  Benishangul (Ethiopia) ,  Nubi language (Kenya, Uganda) ,  South Sudan ,  Pidgin and creole languages ,  Arabic
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (5):
  • 2022 - 2027 Cross-linguistic studies on grammatical nominalizations: with a focus on classifiers and gender markers
  • 2019 - 2023 語彙調査によるアラビア語クレオールの「脱クレオール化」の解明:接触言語学への視座
  • 2019 - 2023 Typological Studies on Passive Constructions in African Languages
  • 2018 - 2023 Description and documentation of Ethiopian languages: Towards a social innovation
  • 2014 - 2018 Documentation of Minority Languages and the Dynamism of Ethiopian Languages
Papers (32):
  • Shuichiro Nakao. Between antipassive and differential object marking in Bari: A markedness paradox and the antipassive-to-active shift. Working Papers in African Linguistics. 2024. 2. 53-82
  • Shuichiro Nakao. ‘Rice,’ ‘sorghum,’ ‘pearl millet’ and ‘finger millet’ in Nilo-Saharan. Studies in Geolinguistics. 2023. 3. 99-105
  • Shuichiro Nakao. Morphological preference and semiotic opacity in Arabic. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies. 2023. 21. 39-76
  • Shuichiro Nakao. [+constrict glottis] reflexes of t and q in contact situations: Contact-induced change or inheritance?. Guram Chikovani & Zviad Tskhvediani (eds.) Studies on Arabic dialectology and sociolinguistics: Proceedings of the 13th AIDA International Conference. Kutaisi: Akaki Tsereteli State University. 2022. 387-396
  • 仲尾周一郎. 日本語「のだ」とアラビア語 'inna. 外国語教育のフロンティア. 2022. 5. 85-103
MISC (26):
  • 仲尾周一郎. 基礎語彙調査は時間の無駄か-1冊目のフィールドノートを読み返しながら-. 言語記述論集. 2024. 17 (基礎語彙特集号). 219-230
  • Luke Tunnard, Shuichiro Nakao. A manuscript vocabulary of Bangala by Luke Tunnard. Afrikanistik-Aegyptologie Online. 2024. 2024. 1-36
  • Shuichiro Nakao. Numeral systems in Nilo-Saharan. Chitsuko Fukushima, Satoko Shirai, Mika Fukazawa, Hiroyuki Suzuki and Mitsuaki Endo (eds.) Linguistic Atlas of Asia and Africa III. Tokyo: Geolinguistic Society of Japan. 2023. 201-204
  • Shuichiro Nakao. Alignment in Nilo-Saharan. Chitsuko Fukushima, Satoko Shirai, Mika Fukazawa, Hiroyuki Suzuki and Mitsuaki Endo (eds.) Linguistic Atlas of Asia and Africa III. Tokyo: Geolinguistic Society of Japan. 2023. 128-135
  • Shuichiro Nakao. System of ‘sibling’ terms in Nilo-Saharan. Chitsuko Fukushima, Satoko Shirai, Mika Fukazawa, Hiroyuki Suzuki and Mitsuaki Endo (eds.) Linguistic Atlas of Asia and Africa III. Tokyo: Geolinguistic Society of Japan. 2023. 53-54
Lectures and oral presentations  (20):
  • Tone in Osaka Japanese (Senboku dialect)
    (Kijutsuken 2024)
  • アラビア語ピジン・クレオールはクレオール単一起源説への反証となるか?
    (AA研共同利用・共同研究課題「多言語混在状況を前提としたアフリカ記述言語学研究の新展開」2023年度第3回研究会 2024)
  • Gender-number marking and nominalization in Arabic
  • Origins of the conjoint/disjoint alternation in Bari
    (16th Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium, Nairobi 2023)
  • Gender marking in Bari
Professional career (1):
  • 博士 (京都大学)
Association Membership(s) (8):
エチオピア諸語研究会 ,  言語記述研究会 ,  The Japan Association for Ethiopian Linguistics ,  World Congress of African Linguistics ,  Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe ,  Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies ,  Japan Association for African Studies ,  Kansai Association of Arab Studies
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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