National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition
Research field (1):
Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
Research keywords (3):
, 国際協力
, 公衆衛生学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2022 - 2025 Feasibility of a novel diet for the Japanese based on the Planetary Health Diet
2021 - 2024 Population-based study on contribution of hidden out-of-pocket expenses to household catastrophic expenditure on health in Vietnam
2017 - 2020 Development of integral evaluation on oral function using tablet terminators
2016 - 2019 Development of a village assessment questionnaire based on the primary health care concept : randomized controlled trial
2015 - 2017 A Study on an Island-sensitive Approach for Obesity and Noncommunicable Disease Prevention in the Asia-Pacific Islands
2005 - 2008 Integrated epidemiologic study on host and environmental factors of communicable diseases utilizing the community based databases
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Papers (41):
Dashzeveg Delgermaa, Miwa Yamaguchi, Marika Nomura, Nobuo Nishi. Assessment of Mongolian dietary intake for planetary and human health. PLOS global public health. 2023. 3. 3. e0001229
Marika Nomura, Miwa Yamaguchi, Yuji Inada, Nobuo Nishi. Current dietary intake of the Japanese population in reference to the planetary health diet-preliminary assessment. Frontiers in nutrition. 2023. 10. 1116105-1116105
Hirotsugu Aiga, Marika Nomura, Mussagy Mahomed, José Paulo M Langa. Microbiological contamination of improved water sources, Mozambique. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2022. 100. 9. 534-543
Yusuke Kamiya, Marika Nomura. Evaluating the impact of early childhood education on child development in Lao PDR. International Journal of Early Years Education. 2022. 1-21
野村 真利香. 子どもの「持続可能で健康的な食事」に関する国際潮流-Global trends on "sustainable and healthy diet" for children. 小児科臨床 = Japanese journal of pediatrics. 2022. 75. 6. 1013-1019
Implications for NCD prevention from the community-based baseline survey of the MHMS and JICA Health Promoting Village Project in Solomon Islands.
(グローバルヘルス合同大会, 東京 2017)