Research keywords (6):
Educational Psychology
, Action Research
, Inquiry-based lessons
, Teacher agency
, Teacher transformation
, Educational Research Methods
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2018 - 2021 International development of lesson study to promote elementary school students' non-cognitive skills
Papers (33):
Nawanidbumrung, W., Promratana, P. L., Chantharaukrit, P., Inoue, N. Unpacking and transforming teachers' beliefs toward inquiry-oriented teaching through lesson study: A cross-case analysis of Thai preservice science teachers. Journal of Education and Learning. 2024. 13. 6. 184-202
Inoue. N. Epistemic justice in classroom dialogues: Coming to know the ‘other’ with non-Western epistemological lenses. In M. Meredith (Ed.), Universities and epistemic justice in a plural world: Knowing better. 2024. 95-105
Van der Lans, R. M, In de Wal, J. J, Daas, R, Durksen, T. L, Inoue, N, Wilson, E, Cornelissen, F. Beyond the linear standard: What circular models can teach us about teachers’ continuing professional learning needs in Australia, England, Japan and The Netherlands. Teaching and Teacher Education. 2024. 138
Inoue, N. Catalyzing humanistic inquiries into contemporary social agendas: An introduction to the new Educational Innovation and Communication Studies Master’s Program. Waseda Journal of Human Sciences. 2022. 35. 275-280
Inoue, N, Light, D. Guiding educational innovation to promote children's non-cognitive abilities to succeed: implementation of the Sesame Street curriculum in Japan. International Journal of Lesson and Learning. 2022. 11. 245-259
Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology
, World Association of Lesson Study
, International Journal for Transformative Research
, Japan Association of Educators for Human Development
, American Educational Research Association (AERA)