Hiroyuki Sato. Autonomous Driving Control of Automatic Guided Vehicle using Tablet PC. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Robotics (IJRA). 2021. 10. 1. 1-15
Hiroto Kizuna, Hiroyuki Sato. Proposal and Implementation of the Connected-Component Labeling of Binary Images and Filling Holes for GPGPU. International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP). 2020. 14. 2. 8-29
H.Kizuna, H.Sato. Accelerating facial detection for improvement of person identification accuracy in entering and exiting management system. Computing and Networking (CANDAR), 2018 Eighth International Symposium. 2018
H.Kizuna, H.Sato. The entering and exiting management system by person specification using Deep-CNN. 8th International Workshop on Advances in Networking and Computing. 2017. 107
Autonomous run control of an AGV by compartment line recognition using a tablet PC
(The 2017 IEICE General COnference 2017)
Speed-up of SAR Image Formation Processing using Graphics Processing Units
(The 22th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems(PDCS 2010) 2010)
Evaluation of CPU Power Control and Scheduling Technique on Parallel Computing Environment
(The 20th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems(PDCS 2008) 2008)
(12th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2000) 2000)
Education (2):
2003 - 2003 University of Tsukuba Degree Programs in System and Information Engineering Computer Sience
- 1982 University of Tsukuba Third Cluster of College
Work history (6):
2020/04 - 現在 Iwate Prefectural University
2020/04 - 現在 Iwate Prefectural University Research and Regional Cooperation Division
2011/10 - 現在 Iwate Prefectural University Faculty of Software and Information Science Professor