J-GLOBAL ID:201702277640535782   Reference number:17A1444482

A protocol for searching the most probable phase-retrieved maps in coherent X-ray diffraction imaging by exploiting the relationship between convergence of the retrieved phase and success of calculation

計算の回収した相と成功の収束の関係を利用したコヒーレントX線回折イメージングにおける最も可能性の高い相回収したマップを探索するためのプロトコル【Powered by NICT】
Author (10):
Volume: 24  Issue:Page: 1024-1038  Publication year: 2017 
JST Material Number: W0763A  ISSN: 0909-0495  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: United States (USA)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Coherent X-ray diffraction ima...
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X-ray diffraction methods 

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