J-GLOBAL ID:201801000559599474
Update date: Sep. 18, 2022
Hasegawa Rei
Hasegawa Rei
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2015 - 2018 日本企業における女性労働力の活用に関する研究ー欧米企業との比較考察
- 2011 - 2014 多国籍企業の子会社役割アプローチによる在日外資系企業の研究
- 1997 - 1999 多国籍企業のニューパラダイムとグローカル社会貢献
Papers (11):
Koichi Takaishi, Rei Hasegawa, Shinji Hasegawa. Strategic Flexibility, Organizational Commitment, and Innovative Behavior among Foreign Subsidiaries and Domestic Japanese Firms. Journal of Business and Economics. 2016. 7. 4. 549-561
長谷川礼. 在外子会社の役割に関するI-Rグリッド分析の再考-アコージャパンの事例研究を通じて-. 経営論集(大東文化大学経営学会). 2008. 16
長谷川 礼. 在日外資系企業の経営に関する一考察 : 子会社の役割を中心として. Research papers. 2007. 51. 1-12
長谷川礼. P&Gと花王におけるブランドマネジメント制. 国際ビジネス研究学会年報. 2002. 8
Hasegawa Rei. Brand Management System at P&G : Brand management team acting as a profit center. Management journal. 2002. 3. 71-84
MISC (11):
Shinji Hasegawa, Rei Hasegawa, Takashi Akiyama. Comparative Analysis of Turnover Intentions between Japanese and Foreign-owned Companies in Japan. IASS Working Paper Series 2018-E001, Waseda University. 2018. 2018-E001. 1-30
Rei Hasegawa, Shinji Hasegawa. Exploring determinants of female workers’ turnover intention in Japan. Research Paper No. W-71, Institute of Business Research, Daito Bunka University. 2017. W-71. 1-20
Rei Hasegawa, Shinji Hasegawa. Skills and Career Paths of Female Workers in Developed Countries. Research Paper No. W-69, Institute of Business Research, Daito Bunka University. 2016. W-69
Shinji Hasegawa, Rei Hasegawa. How Multinational Subsidiary Roles are Gained in Japan. Working Paper Series No.2015-6, School of Social Sciences Waseda University. 2016. No.2015-6
Rei Hasegawa. Subsidiary’s role of MNE: An analysis of P&G’s case by applying the extended IR framework. Research Paper No. W-63, Institute of Business Research, Daito Bunka University. 2013. W-63
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
(国際ビジネス研究学会第25回全国大会 2018)
Gender differences in turnover intention in the Japanese labor market -Multi-group SEM analysis-
(SASE 30th Annual Conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics 2018)
Determinants of turnover intention in Japanese labor market: Comparison by gender
(EAJS 15th International Conference, European Association for Japanese Studies 2017)
Foreign-owned Firms in Japan and Subsidiary Role in the Multinational Enterprise
(EIBA 42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy 2016)
Preliminary Study: Towards Determining a Method to Utilize Women’s Workforce More Effectively in Japan
(SASE 28th Annual Conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics 2016)
Professional career (2):
- 経済学修士 (早稲田大学)
- Master of International Management (American Graduate School of International Management)
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