Emiko Miura, Hidekazu Takahashi, Akio Watanabe, Kenji Ueda, Tomohiko Kawamoto, Kenji Sakurai, Hiromori Akagi. Pleiotropic effects of the rice qLTG3-1 allele: enhancing low-temperature germinability while reducing brown rice appearance quality. Euphytica. 2024. 220. 8
Kenji Sakurai. Characteristics of Indigenous Crops from the Plant Breeding and the Importance of Self-Seed Production System. 2023. 56. 6. 284-289
Kenji Sakurai, Hiroshi Iwanami. Evaluation of Self-fruitfulness with Hand-pollination in Crabapples, Malus spp. The Horticulture Journal. 2023. 92. 1. 30-35