J-GLOBAL ID:201801001671050902   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

Nakao Gen

Nakao Gen
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): https://sites.google.com/view/gennakao/home
Research field  (2): Clinical psychology ,  Social psychology
Research keywords  (6): Subculture ,  Multicultural counseling ,  Intercultural competence ,  サブカルチャー ,  多文化間カウンセリング ,  異文化間能力
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2019 - 現在 世界の「オタク」たちのアイデンティティに迫る:伝播する日本コンテンツの「担い手たち」の幸福感を中心に
  • 2021 - 2025 .
  • 2021 - 2025 Investigating the international "Otaku" (Geek) phenomenon: Fandom, self-discourse, and happiness of subculture
Papers (22):
  • Nakao, G. Navigating the self, life, and career: Revisiting the theories of multicultural career competences. Otemon Business Management Review. 2022. 28. 2
  • Nakao, G. The elephant in the room: Revisiting Joiner's theoretical perspective on suicide. Otemon Business Management Review. 2022. 28. 1
  • Fabian Schunk, Gisela Trommsdorff, Natalie Wong, Gen Nakao. Different functions of emotion regulation in linking harmony seeking and rejection avoidance to life satisfaction and social support in Germany, Hong Kong, and Japan. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 2022
  • Nakao, G. Struggles and strategies of foreign-born counselors: A qualitative inquiry into Japanese counselors. Múltiplas faces de pesquisa japonesa internacional: integralização e Convergência [Multiple faces of international Japanese research: integration and convergence]. 2022. 516-533
  • Fabian Schunk, Gisela Trommsdorff, Natalie Wong, Gen Nakao. Associations Between Emotion Regulation and Life Satisfaction Among University Students From Germany, Hong Kong, and Japan: The Mediating Role of Social Support. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021. 12
Books (7):
  • 異文化間能力研究:異なる文化システムとの事例分析
    新曜社 2023 ISBN:4788518023
  • Cyber- and Traditional Bullying as Global Challenges? Findings from Germany, Hong Kong, and Japan. In Carola Hommerich & Masato Kimura (Eds.)., Sustainable Societies.
  • 「異文化間能力(大項目)」「異文化間トレランス」「エージェンシー」(事典項目)『異文化間教育学事典』
    異文化間教育学会 2022
  • 異文化間能力のライフストーリー的研究 : 日本の長寿企業経営者との対話
    追手門学院大学出版会,丸善出版 (発売) 2022 ISBN:9784907574307
  • Utilizing the interpersonal psychotherapy with high-risk adolescents in an urban school setting: An autoethnographic case study of the sense-of-the-other/sense of community.
    In W. Jean-Charles (Ed.), Trauma, meaning, self-care and gratitude. Pompano Beach, FL: Educa Vision Inc. 2021
Lectures and oral presentations  (22):
  • Cultural similarities and differences in intercultural competence: Theory and empirical findings.
    (Paper presentation accepted for the 32th International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 2021, Prague, Czech Republic. 2021)
  • Struggles and strategies of foreign-born counselors: A qualitative inquiry into Japanese counselors.
    (The XIII Congresso Internacional de Estudos Japoneses no Brasil; XXVI Encontro Nacional de Professores Universitários de Língua, Literatura e Cultura Japonesa 2021)
  • Psychology, culture, and group dynamics as risk factors for heat strokes among students during heatwaves.
    (The Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2020)
  • 異文化間能力の前提・類型および実証的課題のレビュー
    (日本心理学会第84回大会 2020)
  • Qualitative inquiry into discrepancies between doctoral students' preferences for psychotherapy theoretical orientation: The Therapeutic Orientation Questionnaire (TOQ)
Education (4):
  • - 2019 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies
  • 2015 - 2019 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies
  • 2009 - 2011 Graduate School of Education, Fordham University
  • 2004 - 2008 Sophia University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (3):
  • MSEd in Mental Health Counseling (Graduate School of Education, Fordham University)
  • MSEd in Mental Health Counseling (Graduate School of Education, Fordham University)
  • Ph.D. (Human and Environmental Studies) (Kyoto University)
Work history (11):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Otemon Gakuin University Faculty of Management
  • 2021/04 - 現在 京都大学文学研究科 応用哲学 倫理学教育研究センター 研究員
  • 2018/04 - 現在 Center for International Education and Cooperation (CIEC)
  • 2017/04 - 現在 Université Notre Dame d'Haïti (University Notre Dame of Haiti) Neuroscience and Learning Lab Associate Researcher
  • 2019/04 - 2022/03 Faculty of Management Faculty of Management Department of Management
Show all
Committee career (1):
  • 2019/06 - 2019/06 日本コミュニティ心理学会 第22回大会 運営委員
Awards (5):
  • 2016/11 - 京都大学 京都大学学生チャレンジコンテスト(SPEC)
  • 2015/12 - 日本社会心理学会 日本社会心理学会 若手研究者奨励賞 包括的認知をめぐる異文化間能力に関する異文化間心理学と文化心理学の統合的研究
  • 2011/05 - Phi Kappa Phi
  • 2011/05 - Kappa Delta Pi
  • 2008/03 - 上智大学 文学部 上智大学 文学部 教育学科 首席卒業
Association Membership(s) (5):
多文化関係学会 ,  American Psychological Association (APA) ,  Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) ,  日本心理学会 ,  日本社会心理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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